Elon Musk claims Tesla’s new AI supercluster will grow to over 500 MW, record AI chip

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Elon Musk claims Tesla’s new AI supercluster will grow to over 500 MW, making it one of, if not the biggest in the world.

The CEO claims Tesla is achieving some record-breaking performance with its next-en AI chip. 

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Sizing for ~130MW of power & cooling this year, but will increase to >500MW over next 18 months or so. Aiming for about half Tesla AI hardware, half Nvidia/other. Play to win or don’t play at all. 


Tesla was aiming for a 100 MW cluster to be ready by August. 

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Musk said:

Tesla was internally referring to the project as a "Dojo project"

"Dojo" refers to Tesla’s own supercomputing hardware, but sources were also told that the cluster would use Nvidia compute power. 

Musk confirmed that Tesla plans to use both its own hardware and Nvidia’s, as well as other suppliers. 


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Things are getting a little unclear as Musk seems to also imply that Tesla will use some of its HW4 computers for the training clusters

Musk Tweeted

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